The physicists say that time is the magnitude that we can measure the best of any others.
Also they said that is the one that we understand the least.
As much as we can measure we understand the least is beautiful poetry of the universe.
Same happens with communication, they say that more than 80% of our communication is non verbal but as we get older we rely more and more on that 20%.
We can measure it, learn some rules, follow those rules and that gives us the false feeling of seriousness and control.
How that reflects on me and my practice?
From no form to form
From uncertainty to certainty
From feeling to mechanical
From all the possibilities of a child to the only one option of a champion
That can be the end of the road, making the path narrower till there is no path anymore.
That can be the beginning of a cycle that starts again with uncertainty a path that pumps, a path as life that becomes narrower and broader same than a heart beat of your existence.
That’s what some call beginners mind,
That’s one the principles that I found on the Fighting Monkey Practice and get inspired after the mentorship.